Accordion Sales
I have quite a number of instruments waiting for check - up, minor repairs, or full restoration. They often get sold before reaching the website so if you are looking for an instrument do send me an email describing what you are looking for.
Coming soon: Galotta 48 bass for £300
Cooperativa 120 bass 4 voice accordion in beautiful condition. Restored and tuned. Reeds screwed on leather. £1350

Settimio Soprani 120 bass 3 voice (LMM) restored and tuned for authentic Art Deco sound. £750

Hohner Basso. Special rare instrument, This accordion plays bass notes only with right hand. Three sets of reeds 32' and 16' x2 tuned 440 and 444. only £750

Settimio Soprani 120 bass 3 voice (LMM) restored and tuned for authentic Art Deco sound. £750

Hohner Verdi III restored with MM 8' Organola reeds. Special instrument, only £750. SOLD!

Frisco 80 bass 2 voice accordion. Swing tuned Not for sale

Pancotti Vickers 80 bass 3 voice restored and tuned. £750.

Guerrini Oxford 96 bass accordion 4 voice musette tuned. Fine professional instrument for only £900 SOLD!
Sell an Accordion
I am always interested in buying accordions new and old regardless of age or condition, Get in touch!